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 Pray for Peace Collectionについて

 Pray for Peace Collectionについてファッション/音楽/アートを通して平和を願いファッションショーで発信する活動が Pray for Peace Collectionです。2019年に広島から始まったこのコレクションは今年で6年日を迎えます。今まで沖縄、広島、長崎、函館で開催してきました。未来ある子ども達のために平和を願う大切な尊さをファッションに乗せて発言します。日本は唯一の被爆国でもあり、悲惨な地上戦の戦禍がありました。戦争の悲惨さとも向き合いながらも、未来ある子ども達に伝えていくべきなのは『戦争の悲惨さ』ではなく『平和を願う尊さ」です。ショーのモデル参加者は子ども達。各開催都市を中心に一般公募し、障がいの有無を問わず多様性のある方々が参加できる仕組みを作ってます。ファッションショーで輝く子ども達の周りには自然と温かい笑顔が生まれます。平和を願う輪が広がっていければと思ってます。昨今世界中が不穏な空気に包まれる中、戦争が身近に感じるようになり、何もせずに過ごすのではなく、今だからこそ発言すべきだと決意し2023年6月23日沖縄慰霊の日に沖縄の地で初めての開催を試みました。多くの反響があり過去の開催の中で最も多いモデル応募者で、満員御礼で来年も開催して欲しい声も多くありました。この平和活動は永続的に取り組んでいくべきだと決意し取り組んでおります今年で2回目の開催となります。沖縄から発信する平和への想いをモデルそして衣装と共に温かく発進します

About Pray for Peace Collection The Pray for Peace Collection is an activity that uses fashion shows to wish for peace through fashion, music, and art. This collection, which started in Hiroshima in 2019, is celebrating its 6th anniversary this year. So far, we have held events in Okinawa, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Hakodate. We use fashion to express the precious dignity of wishing for peace for the sake of our children's future. Japan was also the only country to suffer from atomic bombings, and suffered the devastation of a tragic ground war. Even as we face the misery of war, what we should convey to our children, who have a bright future, is not the ``misery of war.'' ``The dignity of wishing for peace.'' The model participants in the show are children. We invite applications from the public, centered on each host city, and create a system that allows a diverse range of people to participate, regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Children shining brightly at the fashion show naturally bring warm smiles to their faces. I hope that the circle of people wishing for peace will expand. As the world is currently surrounded by a disturbing atmosphere, war has become more familiar to us, and we have decided that now is the time to speak out, rather than doing nothing.On June 23, 2023, Okinawa Memorial Day, we decided to speak out. This was our first attempt to hold the event in Okinawa. The event received a great response and had the highest number of model applicants of any event in the past, and was fully booked, with many asking for the event to be held again next year. We are determined to continue this peace activity on a permanent basis, and this year will be the second time we have held it. We will warmly launch the message of peace from Okinawa with models and costumes.

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This year marks the 6th year of this fashion show, which has a proven track record of praying for peace.By supporting the fashion show, which has a proven track record, it is CSR that companies/individuals show that they value peace and treat society with peace.

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Holding a fashion show requires a lot of money. In the first year, we were able to carry out the project with the cooperation of many people and with our own funds. We are fully aware that we are still in a recession, and we would like to continue to send out messages rather than fireworks, so we are very sorry for the inconvenience, but if you are able to support us, we would appreciate your support. . I would like to humbly thank you.

Please feel free to contact us if you are a company or individual who would like to support us, or if you are interested or have any questions.

 Pray for Peace Collection 2024 in 沖縄

Click here for the Pray for Peace Collection 2024 in Okinawa special page

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