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![A4_chirashi_tate [更新済み] 23.jpg](,h_1373,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/A4_chirashi_tate%20%5B%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E6%B8%88%E3%81%BF%5D%202%EF%BC%93.jpg)

Pray for Peace Collectionについて
ファッション/音楽/アートを通して平和を願いファッションショーで発信する活動が Pray for Peace Collectionです。2019年に広島から始まったこのコレクションは今年で6年日を迎えます。今まで沖縄、広島、長崎、函館で開催してきました。未来ある子ども達のために平和を願う大切な尊さをファッションに乗せて発言します。
About Pray for Peace Collection The Pray for Peace Collection is an activity that uses fashion shows to wish for peace through fashion, music, and art. This collection, which started in Hiroshima in 2019, is celebrating its 6th anniversary this year. So far, we have held events in Okinawa, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Hakodate. We use fashion to express the precious dignity of wishing for peace for the sake of our children's future. Japan was also the only country to suffer from atomic bombings, and suffered the devastation of a tragic ground war. Even as we face the misery of war, what we should convey to our children, who have a bright future, is not the ``misery of war.'' ``The dignity of wishing for peace.'' The model participants in the show are children. We invite applications from the public, centered on each host city, and create a system that allows a diverse range of people to participate, regardless of whether they have a disability or not. Children shining brightly at the fashion show naturally bring warm smiles to their faces. I hope that the circle of people wishing for peace will expand. As the world is currently surrounded by a disturbing atmosphere, war has become more familiar to us, and we have decided that now is the time to speak out, rather than doing nothing.On June 23, 2023, Okinawa Memorial Day, we decided to speak out. This was our first attempt to hold the event in Okinawa. The event received a great response and had the highest number of model applicants of any event in the past, and was fully booked, with many asking for the event to be held again next year. We are determined to continue this peace activity on a permanent basis, and this year will be the second time we have held it. We will warmly launch the message of peace from Okinawa with models and costumes.

tenbo 代表デザイナー 鶴田 能史
What I want to convey through this fashion show is to accept the devastation caused by war in Okinawa and to foster a sense of dignity in wishing for peace. We will disseminate information not only to Japan but also to the world. We are looking for models/MCs who can work with us to create a desire for peace. All costumes will be made with new designs inspired by the participating models. I would like to make June 23rd, along with ``Memorial Day'', ``a day to pray for peace for children.'' I'm really looking forward to a wonderful encounter. Also, as we are expecting a large number of applicants, we will not be able to audition all of them, so we will only be conducting a document screening, which is a pain in the ass, but we would appreciate your understanding.
tenbo fashion designer Takafumi Tsuruta

昨年に引き続き、今年度も【Pray for Peace Collection in 沖縄 2024】に携わることができ、光栄に思います。
私が目指す未来が【Pray for Peace Collection】のテーマと、重なる部分が多いため、共催させていただくことを決めました。
「平和産業」であるホテル業に従事する者として、「大人」として、今回の【Pray for Peace Collection】にて、「平和の尊さ」と「多様性への理解」について、沖縄から世界中へ発信して参りたいと思いますので、
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to the many companies, individuals, and organizations that helped make the event a huge success when it was held for the first time last year. Continuing from last year, I am honored to be able to be involved in [Pray for Peace Collection in Okinawa 2024] this year as well. The tourism and hotel industries are "peace industries" that are built on peace. I also believe that it is necessary for us adults to think about peace, support ourselves, and take action so that children's futures will be brighter. Our company operates the secretariat of "Pink Dot Okinawa," which celebrated its 11th year last year as an LGBTQ support activity, and since last year, we have also started working on supporting young pregnant women in Okinawa Prefecture. These goals are listed in the SDGs: ``5: Achieve gender equality,'' ``10: Eliminate inequality among people and countries,'' and ``16: Peace and justice for all.'' I decided to co-sponsor the event because the future I am aiming for has a lot of overlap with the theme of the [Pray for Peace Collection]. As someone who works in the hotel industry, which is a ``peace industry,'' and as an ``adult,'' I would like to share my thoughts on ``the preciousness of peace'' and ``understanding of diversity'' from Okinawa to all over the world at this [Pray for Peace Collection]. We would like to spread the word, so we would like to ask as many children as possible to apply and for their support and support from various places.
KPG HOTEL&RESORT President Masao Tanaka

Ni-ni(big brother)
`Bravery to Protect Peace'' was designed to express the wish for peace from Okinawa.
Ni-ni (big brother)'s back is very reliable and warm, he always protects me and gives me courage.
In order for everyone in the world to get along without conflict, I want all people, animals, and spirits to get along. Sometimes we even have small fights. Having the strength to stop a fight is also important. Not the strength to fight, but the strength to protect. That is courage itself.
Many smiling children gather behind Ni-ni, which was designed with the image of a seaman (Uminchu) in mind. A girl who has the strength to accept and protect everything with a generous blue heart like the sea of Okinawa.
The red-haired girl on the right is Kijimuna-, the spirit of the Gajumaru tree. The girl on the left is a human girl.
He wears clothes inspired by the ocean, and wears hair ornaments reminiscent of Ryukyuan costumes. On his chest is a coral necklace, a keepsake of a loved one.
Behind where Ni-ni stands is a world where no one can fight.
We need leaders like Ni-ni in this day and age.
開催日 :2024年6月23日(日)
会 場 :沖縄市民会館大ホール
時 間 :12時30分開場

![KHR [更新済み].jpg](,h_189,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/KHR%20%5B%E6%9B%B4%E6%96%B0%E6%B8%88%E3%81%BF%5D.jpg)
那覇市立 城西小学校
こども絵画教室 アトリエゲシュタルト
広島県立三原特別支援学校 大崎分教室
Shiki Farm
美容室レイエレガンス チーム
ゼロ サコオ / 青木 さおり / 新城 桃子
松下 有加利 / 古原 智美 / 福地 奈津子
西村 祥子 / 金城 秋子
出張理美容サービスVESS / KHB Collection


渡辺 香寿実
手嶋 大河 内倉 愛菜 前盛 英明 前盛 妃那
湊 由美子 大久保 誠 鶴田 昭子 髙橋直美
ART Y‘S 合同会社 内倉千夏(まな母) 神谷テヨリ
新城真鈴 矢部 牧子 比嘉莉世
上江田留奈 星 千花那 アリトイチゴ雑貨店
髙橋あさひ 塚本信 塚本逸平
宜野座愛 當山優衣 のじま家大工店
organic food➕free space 忠左衛門 ダウン症のこうちゃん
居酒屋ここから クニンダ物産 ヘアー・アート・キャロッツ
井手口 円 浅井 幹雄 佐々木史
當山 裕矢 momo's granma

タカギ ノブヒロ
hair&make m-エム-

hair&make m-エム-

タカギ ノブヒロ
hair&make m-エム-

hair&make m-エム-
Rio ofuji

矢澤 敦子

hair&make m-エム-


Pray for Peace Collection 実施経歴

We were able to hold the event in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Okinawa from 2019 to 2023.

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