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August 6th.  A wish for peace from Japan to the world on the day of the Hiroshima atomic bomb


covid-19 live streamed without spectators due to the spread of infectioncovid-19 live streamed without spectators due to the spread of infection







主催者 tenbo 代表デザイナー 鶴田能史

Peace and fashion initiatives that have been continuously transmitted since the event was held on August 6, 2019. . "I want to send a wish for peace for the children of the future." In order to build a bright future for children, adults want to devote themselves to leaving a certain rut. The protagonists of the future are "children." . The happiness of children's daily lives may be peaceful. The values of peace are different for each person. . We hope that children will enjoy the fun and gentle answers of peace for themselves, rather than adults teaching them. . Organizer tenbo representative designer Takafumi Tsuruta

TENBO 鶴田写真.jpeg

tenbo デザイナー 鶴田能史

Organizer tenbo representative designer Takafumi Tsuruta

Recruiting models on Hiroshima TV commercial

被爆75周年の2020年8月6日 広島から平和を願うファッションショーを開催しました。
広島県在住の23名のキッズモデルとキッズMC3名が決定し出演しました。 またファッションショーでは広島市・長崎市・沖縄市から寄与いただきました千羽鶴で作ったドレスも披露いたしました。
On August 6, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the atomic bombing, a fashion show was held from Hiroshima to pray for peace. The theme is "For children with a future" The models who agreed with the concept were selected by 23 kids models and 3 kids MCs living in Hiroshima prefecture and appeared in the open call for participants. At the fashion show, we also showed a dress made of Senbazuru, which was contributed by Hiroshima City, Nagasaki City, and Okinawa City.

奥本アメリア 1歳 被爆5世/山口暖登 2歳 被爆4世 
山口瑛登 4歳 被爆4世/箱上友莉花 3歳 被爆4世
兼井詩乃 4歳/重政七海 4歳
佐々木風花 4歳 被爆4世/眞鍋陽菜 5歳
下﨑和真 6歳 発達障害/宮﨑朱莉 6歳 otc欠損症
岡崎涼鈴 6歳 オッドアイ 被爆4世 /佐々本柚季 6歳 被爆4世
黒飛眞理 7歳/村田百咲 7歳 被爆4世
レマー利央菜 8歳 被爆4世/大石莉心 8歳 被爆4世
谷田 紗菜 8歳/竹内日和 8歳
水口 響貴 9歳/吉中えれな 12歳
富本愛紘  13歳 被爆4世/団上佳音 13歳 ダウン症候群
川上佑太 16歳
五升目唯菜 7歳 被爆4世/蜂須賀えりな 9歳
濵本 紗世 11歳 被爆4世
李 和枝
高嶺葉樹(Twitter:@haju_145cm  )

We made a fashion show runway using a thousand paper cranes. With the cooperation of the students of the special support class, we prepared in advance with the folded paper cranes stuck together in a tape shape, and we made a runway together with the models who appeared on the day, parents and staff concerned. It was created with a wish for peace.

The background art of the fashion show was finished by all the performers. The art drawn by the painter Makoto Tagawa will be completed on the day. Models, parents, etc. will participate in the painting with a wish for peace. The colorful world was touching. In addition, even children can easily draw painting materials using Kit Pass. It is a world where you can participate with or without disabilities. The art finished on this day is a world with the theme of peace in Hiroshima / Nagasaki / Okinawa. The desire for permanent peace spread from art. Gently colored the world of fashion shows.


広島在住の美容師さんやプロのヘアメイクの方々に賛同/ご協力いただき、モデルさんたちを輝かせていただきました。メイクするのは初めてのモデルさんも多く、ドキドキしている姿が新鮮でした。平和をテーマに折り鶴を使用し、とても素敵なヘアメイクをしてくださいました。With the support / cooperation of hairdressers and professional hair make-ups living in Hiroshima, we made the models shine. There were many models who were new to make-up, and the excitement was fresh. He used folded paper cranes with the theme of peace and made a very nice hair make.

I rehearsed for the actual performance and relieved the tension. Everyone's first runway. At tenbo fashion shows, it's not important to walk neatly and coolly, it's important to walk in your own way. You can take care of your favorite poses, walking styles, dances, and personality.

3人の子供達がファッションショーのMCを担当しました。7歳/9歳/11歳の子供達が台本で何度も練習してモデルさん達を丁寧に紹介しました。プロのMCの李 和枝さんが子供達を温かくサポートして下さり、素敵なファッションショーのMCになりました。
Three children were in charge of the MC of the fashion show. Children aged 7/9/11 practiced many times in the script and carefully introduced the models. Professional MC Lee Kazue warmly supported the children and became the MC of a wonderful fashion show.

A fashion show by 23 models from 1 to 18 years old living in Hiroshima prefecture. It was delivered live with no audience. A fashion show that makes everyone smile. "What is peace for you? I asked each model to think about it and went to the actual production. It was an event where small children faced each other with the whole family, not only on the surface but also with the heart. The upper grades children faced peace on their own and added words. There is no answer to peace. I hope we can cherish the peace that each person thinks. It was a really great fashion show.The model who couldn't participate on the day due to the corona sickness participated remotely while watching the live stream, and it was a day when everyone became one and wished for peace.

 SUGIZOさん(X JAPAN/LUNA SEA)、佐々木祐滋さん(原爆の子の象のモデルとなった佐々木禎子さんの甥)、YUJIさん(広島出身ロックバンドメンバーD-SHADE) 、画家の田川誠さん、をゲストに迎え、千羽鶴ドレスを着用した出演モデルの子供達による平和のトークショーを開催しました。総合司会は広島テレビのアナウンサー有田さんに担当していただき、平和と向き合い言葉を交わし合う時間になりました。
SUGIZO (X JAPAN / LUNA SEA), Yuji Sasaki (Sadako Sasaki's nephew who became the model of the Children's Peace Monument), YUJI (Rock band member D-SHADE from Hiroshima), Makoto Tagawa, a painter. We invited Mr., as a guest, and held a peace talk show by the children of the cast model wearing a thousand paper crane dress. The general moderator was Mr. Arita, an announcer of Hiroshima Telecasting, and it was time to face peace and exchange words.

 SUGIZOさん(X JAPAN/LUNA SEA)がtenboの平和への取り組みの想いに賛同し、友情出演してくださいました。分け隔てなく接してくださるその姿に、出演者みながワクワク感動してました。SUGIZOさんは2019年の第一回目のショーから続けて参加してくださっており、ご本人も活動のライフワークだと仰ってくださっております。Photo:Keiko Tanabe
SUGIZO (X JAPAN / LUNA SEA) agreed with tenbo's thoughts on peace efforts and made a friendship appearance. All the performers were thrilled and impressed by the way they treated me without any distinction. Mr. SUGIZO has been participating since the first show in 2019, and he says that he is also a life work of the activity.

A thousand paper crane kids dress with the image of peace in Hiroshima / Nagasaki / Okinawa. We used 10 thousand paper cranes contributed from Hiroshima / Nagasaki / Okinawa to make it. I wish for permanent peace from fashion.



Dome of Hope

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Masuda Tsubasa  /  クムジムツミ  /  イシヅカマコト / Keiko Tanabe









Pray for Peace 2020 実行委員会


Tenbo Pray for Peace Collection 2020へご協賛いただき、誠にありがとうございます。




株式会社 ウカイ商店  様

チベットソルト株式会社 様

アリトイチゴ雑貨店 様

西新宿A24鍼灸治療院/小川こず恵 様

​一般社団法人COMUGICO 様

サザコーヒー 様

木村裕美 様

配川 絵理子 様

​TENBO専属モデル一同 様



株式会社アクア鍼灸接骨院 様

​ちかちゃん 様

株式会社イトー宝飾 様

石田 剛士 様

​くりとも 様

特定非営利活動法人ワーカーズ・コレクティブたすけあい磯子  様

佐田 望 様

中村 直子 様

天坊 真彦 様

tomoco 様

長谷川 裕子 様

手嶋 紀一 様

石田 史子 様

鈴木 薫 様

崔 麻里 様

秋葉 愛子  様

Studio picapixels 様

大森 由吏 様

坂根 浩子 様

上田 恭子 様

鈴木 眞佐巳 様

森島 土紀子 様

前田陽子  様

Towa Luna 様

有限会社 朋ファーマシー 様

yumana 様

大嶋愛 様

​大久保誠 様

小川 明子 様

百合田 真央 様

後藤 礼子 様

西本 剛士 様

奥 絵理香 様

前田友紀 様

山田純子 様


濵本 博美 様

勝野 ふみの 様



天畠 希美 様

井上 邦代 様

新井 胡羽 様

高野 恵 様

nutmeg(ナツメグ ) 様

大森 遥 様

中村 平八 様

林家 まる子 様

VUTA株式会社  様

酒井 薫 様

桑原 祐子 様

望月初恵 様

井出 直子 様

森 有希 様

kiitos 様

秋田ひかり 様

小澤 綾子 様

朝倉 ひとみ 様

村上 由希江 様

當房 流葵 様

爲政 舞 様

黒岩 渚 様

藤井 ゆかり様

© 2025 tenbo
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